Gooooood afternoon on this Wednesday in December. There is at least one good thing about this Wednesday: 1 It's Hump Day - Almost the weekend. If you are like me (Or like most people that are most people) You will probably be binge watching this weekend and for the very reason that I am dreamy of the weekend, *BOOM!* random Netflix facts.
Netflix started in 1997 in Scotts Valley, CA
Netflix reaches about 200 country's! 200!
From the hours 9 PM to 12 PM Netflix makes up for 33% of downloading and streaming - THAT'S A TON OF DOWNLOADING!
In 2009 when Netflix still delivered DVDs The Netflix warehouses where all hidden and disguised and so where the trucks that delivered the DVDS
Netflix workers get unlimited vacation days! Don't you want to work for Netflix now?
All Netflix shows and movies are subtitled because the National Association for the Deaf filed a class-action lawsuit against them in 2010.
Well that was 5 super random facts about Netflix hope you enjoyed them. So tell us in the comments, what will you be binge watching this weekend? I just finished Binging on Stranger Things 2 and Your Lie in April so I'll need something new, but what do you watch? Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Hope you guys are glad I updated it ;)