Wednesday, December 13, 2017

See the source image

Gooooood afternoon on this Wednesday in December. There is at least one good thing about this Wednesday: 1 It's Hump Day - Almost the weekend. If you are like me (Or like most people that are most people) You will probably be binge watching this weekend and for the very reason that I am dreamy of the weekend, *BOOM!* random Netflix facts.          

Netflix started in 1997 in Scotts Valley, CA

Netflix reaches about 200 country's! 200! 

From the hours 9 PM to 12 PM Netflix makes up for 33% of downloading and streaming -  THAT'S A TON OF DOWNLOADING!

In 2009 when Netflix still delivered DVDs The Netflix warehouses where all hidden and disguised and so where the trucks that delivered the DVDS

Netflix workers get unlimited vacation days! Don't you want to work for Netflix now?

All Netflix shows and movies are subtitled because the  National Association for the Deaf filed a class-action lawsuit against them in 2010.

Well that was 5 super random facts about Netflix hope you enjoyed them. So tell us in the comments, what will you be binge watching this weekend? I just finished Binging on Stranger Things 2 and Your Lie in April so I'll need something new, but what do you watch? Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Hope you guys are glad I updated it ;)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

This Friday 17th at 6:30 we will be doing a International Board Game Day! We will be playing all sorts of Board Games, card games and have a WII U there to play as well!! We'll also have snacks and it is a great way to meet new people that have the same interests as you. It'll be fun! Hope you can join us!


Welcome back! I have been having ╘[◉﹃◉]╕ technical difficulty's╘[◉﹃◉]╕ so I wasn't able to update the blog but its all fixed now! And to start it off, picture from our last activity!

We had a tooooooon of fun at our Library-Con and are excited for our next activity! We will be having our International Board Game Day at the Library! More details to come πŸ˜πŸ˜€

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Whitney Hess!

YAAY! Another spotlight! I really love Tuesdays and spotlights, don't you? 😁 Today we have...     *DRUM ROLL*
Not that kind but... close enough!
Whitney Hess!!!
Favorite Author: All of them.
Favorite book series:  Percy Jackson
Favorite Book: The Fault in our Stars
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends. Playing soccer.
Fun Facts!
1. I love to go camping
2. I love to be outdoors
3. I love to read
Whitney is on out teen board (She's great BTWπŸ˜‰) Have Ideas you want to share?? Join our teen board! We have plenty of space for members and we want to see you there! We meet once a month to plan, and then we party!
Come join us :) Ask a librarian for an application! And let us get to know you :) Fill out the spotlight form Spotlight form!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Hey guys!

Hey guys! Have you guys joined summer reading yet? It's really fun. :) So guess who has four bags of candy just waiting to be eaten? That is a pretty easy guess, it's me. I have four bags of candy that have pictures to be guessed!! OKAY! So this needs to be fixed.

Guess the location of any one of these pictures You can choose from one of the bags of candy! Any one you want! I have a Twizzlers, 2 Tropical Starburst, and some Cinnamon Bears.
Guess a picture. Pick a candy.
It's that simple.
Do you have a favorite candy you would want to win?
You favorite candies will be added... just as soon as the ones I have go to you guys. Hope you guys can guess it, comment you guess and your favorite candy while you're at it. And look for advertisements of the activities we will be having this month and for the months ahead(They'll be pretty fun)! See ya later!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cecilia Green

Since yesterday was a holiday, there was no post but we have one today :)
Today's spotlight is Cecilia Green!
FAVORITE BOOK : The Shallows, Gone Girl, The Fault in Our Stars
HOBBIES : Hanging out with my family/friends. Skate boarding & playing soccer.
Fun Facts!
1. Red hair - blue eyes - freckles
2. Soccer player
3. Skater
Yay Cecilia! She came to visit us at one of our meetings the other day! :) If you would like to be spotlighted, fill out the google survey!
Spotlight Link
And if you would like to join the teen board, just ask on of the librarians for an application! :)
Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

All The Bright Places by Jenifer Niven

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
A boy fascinated by death and a girl who dreams of her future.
Every day he wonders "Is today a good day to die?" and she crosses off the days till she can go off to college away from the place she lives. If you liked The Fault in Our Stars, you are very likely to like this one as well (And vise-versa) It's an international best-seller, good reads choice 2015 winner and soon to major motion picture, this book has an amazing story. As they save each other from their slow deaths of monotony. When they have to work on a project to discover Indiana they fall in love and discover more than they though they would. It is a beautiful story from anyone who is looking for a new book to read. I don't want to spoil it but I definatly recommend it! Be sure to check it out at the Tremonton Library! Just as soon as I return it πŸ˜‰
New schedule coming soon!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Whhhhhat a beautiful Wednesday! The last of school is approaching, who is ready for Summer? I know I am! The other day my teacher told us a really weird fact. Did you know that Tigers legs are so strong that they can stand even once they die?! That is so crazy! Tigers are becoming extinct and there  are now only 6 species of tigers, there used to be 9, and there are more tiger being held captive than in the wild. Tigers are a great species that needs to be kept alive! Find out how you can help at A new summer schedule is currently being worked out and hopefully I'll have it by Friday! Until then, have a wonderful rest of your day!


Friday, May 19, 2017

Hey there!

Just a reminder! Today is the afterhours party! It is at the library from 6:30 - 7:30. We'll have some snacks and play some games! Hope to see you there!


p.s. Book reviews and Wednesday articles/facts will now be every-other week. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Spotlights today!

Hey guys! It's Tuesday which means... SPOTLIGHTS! For today we have another of our teen board members and her name is... * DRUM ROLL*...
SKYY Schuffenhaver
FAVORITE BOOKS: Les Miserables, Number the Stars, Esperanza Rising
HOBBIES: Playing tennis. Theater/ plays
Fun Facts!
1. Obsessed with Supernatural.
2.I love musicals.
3.I'm on a swim team.

YAAAAAAY SKYY!! She our great spotlight for today! I am very excited for our outing on Friday (We have some great activities) and maybe you'll see her there! Have a great Tuesday, FRIDAY IS COMMING!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday the 15th!

Hey guys! Ready for another picture? More Twizzlers and another picture to be guessed, who will win?
Maybe you know what it belongs to, but I need you to tell where it is.
Have a great day!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

So You Want to be a Jedi - Adam Giowitz

Hello! Tomorrow is Friday and what better way for book lovers to start the day before the weekend than with a great new book review for a new book to read. This one is contributed by one of our Teen Board members, Emmanuel G.
Have you ever wanted to be a Jedi? well, here's your chance! "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back So You Want to Be a Jedi?" A book by "New York Times" best-selling author Adam Godwits re-tells the epic story of the Star Wars movie "The Empire Strikes Back" while helping you take you first steps to becoming a Jedi with fast and easy exercises such as concentration and meditation. Last seen at the Tremonton City Library. Hurry before some one else checks it out!
We are so excited for the new Star Wars movies, and we hope you are too! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
& E.G.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Afterhours get to know you party!

So instead of the usual article and/or fact, I decided to post about our next activity! It going to be May 19th (Not this Friday but the next) After hours 6:30 - 7:30. You'll get to play games and get to know other teens! I can't wait to see you there! Have a great rest of your day,

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Snapchat Geofilters!

According to businessinsider, there are 60 million Snapchat installs and about 30 million monthly active users. One of Snapchats' best feature is the filters, anyone else agree?  😜 But as part of their great filters they have... Geofilters. I'm guessing many of you have noticed the one at the Bear River High school created by our very own, Hallee K. Well, the library is hosting a contest to find their filter, think you have what it takes? Stop by the Tremonton Library for official details and a template! Be sure to submit it before March 26 πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Happy designing!

Template looks like that

Hallee Kinikin!

So todays spotlight is... *DRUM ROLL*....
Favorite Author : Suzanne Collings
Favorite Book Series : The Hunger Games
Favorite Book : The Kite Runner, The Wednesday Wars, 1984, Brave New World.
Hobbies : I enjoy photography and painting.
Fun Facts!
1. I have lived in 3 different states
2. I have over 50 bottles of perfume
3. I have a really good British Accent

YAY Hallee! πŸ˜€ Now, as most of you have probably noticed, the spotlights have no pictures! (Apart from Hallees' and mine) Well, NOT ANYMORE! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ The spotlights have been updated and now include pictures! So if you ever see them at an activity, you know a little bit about them πŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚
If you want to go back and see them, click here → other spotlights ← 
Wanna be spotlighted? ✨Remember✨ First person to fill out the google link gets candyyyyyy!  (Or maybe a 5 dollar gift card πŸ˜‰[You chose!])  So here is the google link    
                                                       SPOTLIGHT Google Link!
P.S. Another post to follow shortly after

Monday, May 8, 2017

Guess the Location!

The past two weeks I hadn't been able to post (Problem is being fixed) ,but we will resume this week as normal 😁 Todays picture is of some pretty windows somewhere, who can guess the location?  We have another tropical Starburst that wants a new home, could you be the one?
This is a pretty easy one but seeing as no one seems to guess them, it seems appropriate. Now, who can guess it?
πŸ€”πŸ€”Where have I seen those windows before?πŸ€”πŸ€”
P.S. To all who had seen this before might have accidentally seen next weeks! Try looking for a pretty pink bench outsideπŸ˜‰

Thursday, April 20, 2017

GONE by Michael Grant

Without so much as a *POOF* all grown-ups and everyone above the age 15, disappear. Completely. No parents. No teachers. No policemen or firefighters. No phones, internet or TV. No contact to anyone else outside of the sphere shape that appears around the town. Is there anyone out there? What starts out as a fun game, starts to turn dark as bullies begin to rule and people start to develop un-human-like powers. People start to take sides against others. Hunger threatens and time starts to run out.
'On your birthday, you disappear just like everyone else...' Rated at a 4.6/5 stars on Amazon, this is a great dystopian book series by Michael Grant. It is a 6 book series and GONE is only the beginning.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Can Plants Talk to Eachother?

Plants. All around us. So what do you think? Can these plants that are all around us talk to each other? Well, technically, the answer is yes. Have you ever seen those animals that lift their tails to warn the pack of danger? The plants are kinda like that. These plant are constantly producing chemical signals according to their environment, especially when under attack. When plants get damaged, by bugs or us humans, they send these signals either by air or through the soil to the rest of the plant so it can strengthen itself. Some plants can pick up on these signals and build up their immune system (Like when cold and flu season comes around and you stock up your house on vitamins and medicine). Even though it might be an accident to have other plants pick up these signals, they do. I found this very interesting and if you'd like to know more there is a TED ED video about it  
                                                                                           ----> TED ED <----
                                                                                    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tuesday Spotlights! E-man

Today is Tuesday! Yaaaay! One day closer to FRIDAY! For todays spotlight we have..... *drum roll*
Emmanuel (E-man) Garcia!
Jim Davis.
Maze Runner.
I love to read and build with legos
1. I am a passionate Star Wars fan
2. I have flown a plane for 30 minutes
3. I once had a vegetable garden in my backyard 
You know, I am starting to think that the first person to fill out the spotlight link will get a small bag of candy, want some?

Monday, April 17, 2017


                            Heeeeey! It's Monday! or today, there are some yummy twizlers!
So todays picture is slightly hidden from sight so lets see if you guys can guess it!
Have a wonderful Monday night and happy guessing!


Thursday, April 13, 2017

STARGIRL by Jerry Spinelli

What do you do with a girl that is different from everyone in every way? Wears crazy outfits, caries a rat and sings happy birthday with her ukulele in the cafeteria, sends cards to people she doesn't know and brings flowers to her desk at school everyday. What do you do with a girl different in every way? The students at Mica High face this very problem. The halls that  murmur the name Stargirl soon begin to praise her every move and Leo Borlock is enchanted (and in love) with her; but when things go south, some tough decisions need to be made. This book by Jerry Spinelli celebrates nonconformity  and is a medal winner and New York Times bestseller. You can find book at the Tremonton Library! Happy Thursday!
p.s. book cover wouldn't load

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday guys! I have been looking at jokes for a while and found some funny library ones πŸ˜‚ Well one is just a picture of a REAL book and the other of funny arranged ones, but, you get the point...

Have a great rest of your night!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Now to take care of Tuesdays on Tuesday!
So  todays spotlight is our fairy tale princess,
Joylynn Shumway!
FAVORITE AUTHORS: Shannon Hale, Lies Shurtliff and Megan Morrison.
BOOK GENRE: Fantasy/Fairy tale
FAVORITE BOOKS: Princess Academy, Grounded: The adventures of Rapunzel, Fairy tale books/anthologies
HOBBIES: Reading, writing, drawing, knot work + bead stuff, acting, being outside, painting, designing.
Fun facts!

1. I like math and art- and mathematical art.
2. I laugh a lot - especially when I'm not supposed to
3. I like to doodle random stuff all over pieces of paper.
Joylynn is another one of our teen advisors in our teen board! Wanna be spotlighted? Fill out our Google survey! SPOTLIGHT LINK
Have a great Tuesday!

Monday on Tuesday

K, guys! I have been working on setting up an automatic timer so this doesn't happen but here it is. Mondays' on a Tuesday!
This weeks bag if candy is a very delicious... Tropical Starburst!
 Todays picture is a wonderful picture of an OPEN sign and a Pink Chandelier, can anyone guess where it's from?
✨πŸŽ†And congrats to last weeks winner!πŸŽ†✨